You are here: Welcome To Micronet > Using These Online Manuals > Searching the User Manuals > Searching for Topics

Searching for Topics

If you don’t know where to find the information you want in the user manuals, or you want to display all information about a specific topic, you can search the manuals. To do this:

  1. Click in the Search box at the top right of the screen.


Technical Tip

If you are using Micronet Assist on a tablet or mobile phone, select the button at the top left of the screen to display the Search box at the top of the TOC pane.

  1. Type your search terms in the search box.

A basic search consists of the word or phrase you want to find. The basic rules for entering searches are:

You can search for words or phrases. This table describes the results of these different kinds of searches:


Search for




A single word


Topics that contain the word "select".


A phrase

new operator

Topics that contain both the words "new" and "operator".







"new operator"

Topics that contain the specific phrase "new operator".

  1. Select the search button or press the Enter key.

A list of topics containing your search term or phrase is displayed in the information pane.

  1. Select the topic you want to view.

The topic is displayed, with your search term or phrase highlighted throughout as shown in the screen below. The selected topic is also highlighted in the TOC pane.

Topic with Search Terms Highlighted

Note that if you enclose the search phrase in quotation marks, you get a different result. In the example above, the search looked for topics which contained both "debtor" and "statements". In the example below, the search looked for topics containing the complete phrase "debtor statements".

  1. You can clear the search highlights by selecting the Remove Highlights button on the toolbar.


Technical Tip

If you have cleared the search highlights but you want to find a term within the displayed topic, you can use your browser's Find in page function (press Ctrl + F). This opens a search field for the current topic only:

  • in Firefox, the search field is at the bottom left of the screen under the TOC pane
  • in Internet Explorer, the search field is at the top left of the screen above the TOC pane
  • in Google Chrome, the search field is at the top right of the screen above the information pane.

Enter your search term in the search field and press Enter then use the search field's Next and Previous buttons (or arrow buttons depending on the browser) to move between the highlighted instances of the search term within the topic.

  1. You can print the topic by selecting the Print button on the toolbar.

  1. Press the back button to return to the list of topics containing your search term or phrase and select another topic if required.

  1. If you still can't find the topic you want, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the next page of results.